Monday, 20 September 2010

AMMA'S DREAM IN SPANISH-english at the end

Todo el mundo debería dormir sin temor,
al menos una noche.
Todos deberían saciar su hambre, al menos una vez al día.
Tendría que haber, al menos un día,
en que no ingresara nadie
en los hospitales a causa de la violencia.
Todos deberían ayudar a los pobres y necesitados haciendo,
al menos un día, servicio desinteresado.
Esta es la plegaria de Amma
Que se cumpla al menos este pequeño sueño.
- Sri Mata Amritanandamayi -

Everyone in the world should sleep without fear,
at least for one night, sleep without fear.

Everyone in the world should eat to their fill,
at least for one day, eat to their fill

There should be one day when there is no violence,
no one is injured, no one is harmed.

All people young and old should serve the poor
and needy, at least for one day, serve selflessly.

This is my dream.
This is my prayer.
Love is the answer, love is the way.
Love is the answer, love is the way.

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