Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Hogar Magdala Photos

This is Sister Rosario ,who cares for the children and some of the Amma Donations there.JAI AMMA

Monday, 24 August 2009

La alimentacion a indigentes Dom. 30,agosto FEEDING THE HOMELESS-Sunday,august 30

La alimentacion a indigentes el proximo
Dom. 30,agosto

Estamos planeando hacer la alimentacion a indigentes el proximo Dom 30 de Agosto. La parte de preparacion comenzara a las 9:00 am (ya que no estamos en epoca lluviosa), partiremos hacia las calles entre 12:00 y 12:30, dependiendo de que tan rapido cocinemos.

Tengo varias personas que estan interesadas en ayudar. Seria fenomenal saber quienes mas quieren venir, solo deben llamar para confirmar. Asi mismo, las personas que deseen donar alimentos tambien son bienvenidos. Todas las pesonas que deseen donar alimentos deben llamar el VIERNES en la tarde (8391-2378)(o email khullood@hotmail.com) a mas tardar para indicar el tipo de comida que traera y la cantidad, ya que asi podremos sabe que hace falta comprar (ver lista de alimentos abajo). Tambien pueden dejar mensajes en ese mismo celular. Toda la comida debe estar en mi casa a las 9:00am del domigno o el sabado en la noche para empezar a picar enseguida.

Muchas gracias a todos.
Con carino,


5 kilos de cebolla
10 kilos de papas pre cortadas y herbidas
10 kilos de tomates
2 racimos de apio
12 chiles dulces rojos
12 cabezas de ajos
6 kilos de zanahorias
un ayote (calabaza) entero
4 paquetes de alberjas
12 zuquinis
cualquier otro vegetal!!

In English

We are planning on doing the next homeless feeding this coming Sunday, August 30. Chopping begins at 9:00 (as we are out of rainy season), and departure for the streets between 12:00 and 12:30, depending on how fast we can cook.

I have several people who are interested in helping out. It would be great to know who else wants to come - just call and confirm. Also, people who want to donate food are also welcome. Please have all food donators call me by FRIDAY AFTERNOON (8391-2378) or (email ..khullood@hotmail.com) at the latest to let me know what food they will bring and the QUANTITY, so we know what is left pending to buy. Pending food will be bought on Thursday (See list below) They can leave a message on my phone. FOOD MUST BE AT MY HOUSE BY 9:00 SUNDAY (or Saturday evening) so we can begin chopping right away.

If you would like to help chop, please bring a chopping board and sharp knife.

With love,


5 kilos anions
10 kilos potatoes - pre-cut and boiled
10 kilos tomatoes
celery - 2 bunches
red peppers - 12
ginger - handful
garlic - 6 pods
6 kilos carrots
pumpkin - one whole
green beans - 4 packets
zuccini - - 12
any other veggie!


LA LUZ DE AMMA PROJECTS (spanish then in english)

Hogar Montiel

Hasta ahora lo que hemos hecho en el Hogar Montiel es construir 6 baños, le pintamos los cuartos de colores a las niñas, el pasillo que estaban en muy mal estado y el baño viejo, y otros pequeños arreglos.

Con la ayuda de Cuca y Gabriela pusimos una cerca eléctrica ya que había un acosador que las espiaba, tenemos que recordar que estas son niñas con abuso sexual, así que hubo que protegerlas para que se sintieran seguras.

También donamos comida, ropa, jabón y auxiliamos para sacarles los piojos a las niñas, les ensenamos yoga y ayudamos hacer tareas y estudiar.

Hogar Magdala

Estos niños se encuentran paralizados y algunos ciegos por el abuso físico violento y sexual de sus padres.
En el hogar Magdala se encuentra Eckart, Erland y Maribel aquí les ponemos una maquina que se llama LIFE MACHINE que los ayuda en varios niveles (emocional, mental, físico y energético) compramos PEDI ASURE, se ocupan usualmente 30 por mes de los grandes.
Los ayudamos a comer (algunos comen por sonda) y se les da un poco de mimos.
Compramos un compresor, y ahora estamos ahorrando para un verticalizador que cuesta $2000.


El tercer proyecto es tratar de ayudar a los indigentes a salir de las drogas, una vez al mes se les da comida y se les presenta la opción de ayuda.
Este último proyecto no es tan exitoso, en el aspecto de rehabilitación, en un ano solo hemos sacado a uno, con la colaboración especial de Isabel y Vimala que fueron las encargadas de llevarlo a rehabilitación. Pero les encantan la sopa y el saber que tienen a su arredador gente que tiene compasión.
Bueno esto es más o menos lo que se hacemos con sus donaciones.

Gracias a Hazel por contribuir con la pintada de los cuartos y a todos los estudiantes de yoga, por haber asistido a las clases de yoga sin fines de lucro para el profesor y el centro de yoga.

Gracias también a los colaboradores del satsang de Amma.

Con gratitud,

Matias y Chelsea

Hello everyone,

Here is an update on what we have been doing with the 3 projects here in San Jose Costa Rica. Thanks to all of you, we have been able to get a lot done! And we will continue to do so. Please let us know if you would like to join in on any of these projects. We would love to share this wonderful enriching experience with everyone.

Hogar Montiel (home for 16 girls ages 7-18)

Here are the things we have been able to accomplish in the Hogar Montiel so far: a new bathroom with 6 showers, 5 sinks, and 4 big wash sinks for washing clothes.

All 4 bedrooms are painted with bright happy colors; each room has two different colors. The girls are so happy to have a new, clean, pretty room. You should see their smiles. Priceless!

The hallway with high ceilings has been painted, and the ceiling in the old bathroom was in poor condition and we were able to paint and repair that as well. Some other small things were also fixed.

With the help of other donations from Cuca and Gabriela an electric fence was put up surrounding the whole property. This was done very fast since there was a “peeping Tom” spying on the girls at night! It was very important to get this fence up fast since most of these girls have been abused and felt very insecure knowing that a man was inside the property and spying on them. Now they are so content and sleep the night through without ever thinking about their security! They know that they are safe now.

We make weekly donations of food, clothes, soaps, cleaning supplies and treatments for the ongoing lice problems. We do weekly “lice checks and treatments if they are needed, with a natural recipe of bitters, alcohol and boric acid. It works!

We go 4-5 times a week to help with homework and prepare for exams. We do activities such as yoga, dance and play games too. Fun stuff……

Hogar Magdala (home for 16 disabled children)

These children are paralyzed and some blind due to the physical abuse they received from their parents and family members. On Wednesdays Eckart, Maribel and Erland visit the children and help out with whatever is needed, such as feeding, which is done mostly through feeding tubes, moving the kids from beds to chairs, and just giving affection and love to these sweet souls. They also bring along the LIFE machine to help heal the children’s physical, mental, energetic and emotional bodies.

We also bring a nutritional supplement that is needed on a daily basis called Pediasure. They use 1 large can a day. Each can costs $20. We were also able to buy a compressor for the oxygen tank which is needed by some of the children to breath. We are now saving up to purchase what is called a Verticalizer, so the children can change positions on this table that moves them up & down (Vertically and horizontally) for their circulation. This machine costs $2000 US dollars.

Homeless Feeding

The third Project is the homeless feeding Project. Once a month we make 200 servings of a delicious hot soup and bring it to the streets of San Jose, where the most destitute come out to enjoy this hot meal made with love. We also offer them help if they are interested in going to a rehabilitation center to get off drugs and alcohol. This project has not been so successful in the aspect of getting people into rehab centers. We have only been able to get one person to a rehab with the help of Vimala and Isabel. However they really love the soup and the fact that people show up who care and have compassion for them.

So this is what we have been doing with all your donations, we thank you all. Special thanks to Hazel for helping with the painting and all the yoga students who attended the workshops to help these projects. Also, all those from the Amma Sat Sang “La Luz de Amma”. We appreciate all your donations, in whatever form the have come in.

with gratitude,

Matias and Chelsea

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Amma's Dream

Amma's Dream

"Everyone in the world should be able to sleep without fear, at least for one night. Everyone should be able to eat to his fill, at least for one day. There should be at least one day when hospitals see no one admitted due to violence. By doing selfless service for at least one day, everyone should help the poor and needy. It is Amma's prayer that at least this small dream be realised." —Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

AMMA ...Reunion de Meditacion AUGOST 22,SABADO

AMMA ...Reunion de Meditacion AUGOST 22,SABADO

Le Invitamos al Satsang Amma (meditacion)
Se celebrara el 22 de Agosto
Habra cantos y meditacion por la Paz y la compasion del mundo y de nosotros mismos.
La actividad no tiene costo; mas le solicitamos colaborar con un plato vegetariano para compartir al cierre del encuentro.

AMMA Satsang(meditation
AUGUST 22 ,saturday,2009
There will be chanting, singing and meditating for Peace and Compassion for the world and ourselves.
The activity does not have any cost; but if you wish, bring a vegetarian dish to share at the end of Satsang DONDE:KUMAR,KHULLOOD AND AISHA
CUANDO: SABADO.. AGOSTO(AUGUST) 22 ,2009…..4:00-6:00pm
DIRECTIONS: CALL… 8844-2777 OR2282-6922
Iswari (Gia) Smith
E-mail: casa9amma@hotmail.com





Sunday, 2 August 2009

Amma and the Earth Charter

El pasado 8 de julio del 2009, Amma apoyo y firmo en Nueva York La Carta de la Tierra.
A raíz de esto, la señora Betty McDermott, Coordinadora de Proyectos para Ibero y Norte America, de la Universidad para la Paz, solicito una reunión con la Asociación La Luz de Amma para esta manera conversar acerca de la forma en que se pondrán en practica los fundamentos de dicho documento internacional.
La reunión se llevo a cabo el 27 de julio, en la cual se intercambio información no solo de las enseñanzas de Amma y de los fundamentos de La Carta de la Tierra, sino de los proyectos que ambos manejan a nivel nacional sino global.
En nuestro país, La Carta de la Tierra se ha enfocado principalmente en el ámbito de educación mediante un hermoso material didáctico diseñado para escuelas y colegios, que busca un cambio de conciencia acerca de la manera de acercarnos al planeta, a otros seres y a la Madre Naturaleza de una forma responsable.
Por su parte, Asociación La Luz de Amma se ha enfocado en uno de los principios fundamentales de Amma, es decir el Servicio desinteresado, puesto en practica por medio de el apoyo hacia dos orfanatos y alimentación a indigentes principalmente.

Para mas información de La Carta de la Tierra visite:



Amma and the Earth Charter

On July 8, 2009, Amma endorsed in New York the Earth Charter.
In this matter, Ms. Betty Mc Dermott, Project coordinator for Ibero and North America, from the University for Peace, asked for a meeting with la Asociación La Luz de Amma to talk about the way that we are going to work this International Document.
We had the meeting on July 27, in which we shared information not just about Amma’s teachings but the fundamentals of the Earth Charter and the projects that both are working in the Country and globally.
In our Country, the Earth Charter has focus in education by using a beautiful didactic material for schools and high schools, it look for a change of the conscious and the way to approach to the planet, other beings and Mother Nature in a responsible way.
La Asociación La Luz de Amma has focus on selfless work, by assisting two orphanages and feeding the homeless.

For more information about the Earth Charter, please visit:



VERTICALIZADOR PARA HOGAR MAGDALA- Se necesita ayuda para el Orfanato Magdala"

Children from the Magdala Orphanage need a Ventilator “verticalizador”. This is a physical therapy equipment that allow them to stand with support in all the body, from the chest to the legs.
Also help them to develop strength in the superior parts of their body by adjusting and performing activities with this equipment. It prepare the children in the standing position by gradually adjusting from 60 to 90 degrees, every accessory is adjustable to the need of the user, so it will work out for most of the children.

This equipment will help the children not just to make their fragile body stronger but to decrease some of the internal problems, like liquid in the lungs since they are lie on their back most of the time, so it help to release the pressure of the internal organs.

The cost of this “verticalizador” is $1950.

Los niños del Hogar Magdala necesitan un “verticalizador”. Este es un equipo de terapia física que les permite estar de pie con soportes en todo su cuerpo, desde el pecho hasta sus piernas.

Les ayuda a desarrollar fortaleza en las partes superiores de su cuerpo por medio del ajuste y ejecución de actividades con el equipo. Prepara a los niños a estar en posición vertical mediante ajustes de 60 a 90 grados, ya que cada uno de los accesorios se ajusta a las necesidades del usuario, por lo cual funciona para la mayoría de los niños.

El equipo ayudara a los niños no solo a fortalecer su frágil cuerpo, sino a disminuir sus problemas internos, como liquido en los pulmones ya que permanecen acostados mucho tiempo, es decir, ayuda a liberar la presión interna de los órganos.

El costo del “verticalizador” es de $1950.

ECKART WIMMER ..........8834-7924