"Aunque la semilla contiene la planta, sólo cuando se cultiva de forma correcta y si se le añade fertilizante, ésta puede brotar y dar su fruto. De la misma manera, aunque la Suprema Verdad recide en todos los seres vivos, solo a través del Sadhama brillará." - Amma
En estos tiempos en que el desarrollo intelectual ha alcanzado altas cotas, Amma ve con preocupación como, a pesar de que nuestras mentes están bien desarrolladas, nuestros corazones sin embargo se han secado. Sus enseñanzas son una llamada para recuperar las cualidades nobles, para que de nuevo predomine el corazón en nuestra vida diaria. Si queremos construir una sociedad próspera y pacífica, es necesario que seamos conscientes de las verdades espirituales, de su carácter universal, así como de la compasión que fluye de ellas. El amor constituye nuestra naturaleza intrínseca, pero hace falta una práctica constante para que se revele. Las enseñanzas de Amma son las herramientas para la vida y son el resultado de su experiencia directa. Dado su sentido ecuménico y universal, no deberíamos reducir las enseñanzas de Amma a una simple filosofía o sistema de creencias, aunque partan de la filosofía del Advaita Vedanta y el sendero del Bhakti Yoga.
Amma's life is her message. In other words, Amma does not teach anything that she herself does not practice. Living from moment to moment in a constant state of supreme happiness, Amma warmly embraces thousands of people day after day, wiping their tears, giving them her divine guidance and offering solace to all who come to her. Amma recommends the path of selfless-service through the example of her own life.
Amma says, "The beauty and charm of selfless love and service should not die away from the face of the earth. The world should know that a life of dedication is possible, that a life inspired by love and service to humanity is possible.
Meditation and studying the scriptures are like two sides of a coin. The engraving on that coin is selfless service, and that is what gives it its real value. Our compassion and acts of selflessness take us to the deeper truths. Through selfless action we can eradicate the ego that conceals the Self. Detached, selfless action leads to liberation. Such action is not just work; it is karma yoga."
Amma always points out that the purpose of one's life is to realize who we really are. She says, "By realizing our own Self we become full, with nothing more to gain in life. Life becomes perfect."
To attain this goal, Amma says that no particular path or spiritual practice can be recommended for all. "Just as a doctor gives different dosages or even different medications to patients with the same ailment according to their constitution, so does a Spiritual Master prescribe different methods to different people to reach the same goal. Spirituality is the practical science of life. Apart from taking us to the ultimate goal of Self-realization it also teaches us the nature of the world, and how to understand life and live fully in the best way possible."
However, Amma says that the path of devotion and selfless-service is the safest and most conducive path for many people.
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