Monday 25 May 2009

Devotees bakegoods for the homeless

took a picture of the brownnies that are gonna be served tomorrow, they are absolutly delicious...I try a couple , maybe because I baked listening to the 1000 names and bahjans, and place them in my little Amma Altar.

Serve with love, like Amma.

Aum Dyauh Saantir Antareeksham Saantih
Prithvi Saantir Aapah Saantihr Osadhayah Saantih
Vanaspatayah Saantir Visvedevaah Saantih Brahma Saantih
Sarvam Saantih Saantih Reva Saantihi.

¡Es hora que descubras quién eres! Alguien puede conocerte mejor que tu mismo.

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